N2100 modules mirror

For some years now I am a happy owner of a Thecus N2100 NAS.

Although it is getting a bit slow compared to the newer generations of NAS devices, one of the things I like about it is the way you can customize it to your own needs by using modules. Over the last years a fairly active community developed many of these modules and discussed them on the Thecus user groups Thecus Usergroup Forum.

Unfortunately the community is declining and moving to newer devices and many of the modules can no longer be downloaded from the original locations. I therefor downloaded as many modules as possible while I could and I am providing a mirror for it on Google Docs. You can find my mirror to the N2100 modules here.


  1. I just fired my old N2100 up for the first time in a long time and was sad to find that it was factory reset and I had lost all my modules. After some digging I eventually came across your site. Thank you so much for hosting a mirror to all these great modules.

    1. I'm glad I could help you. Although I now have a much faster NAS, I still keep the N2100 for nostalgic reasons. I still think it was one of the best deals in those days.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I still use 3 of these N2100 units, (all upgraded to 512MB Ballistix RAM). I have a module or two that you don't have on your mirror site. Would you like to have them?

  4. Got someone the HDSpinDown Module? The original site is down.

  5. Many thanks for the links to the module's repository: is exactly what I'0m searching for my old N2100.
    I've cupdated the Twonky Server to the latest version 7.2.6. If you are interested you can fin it here: http://blog.edika.it/index.php/2014/03/26/modulo-twonky-server-7-2-6-per-thecus-nas-n2100/?lang=en
